Briose cu Lamaie Recipe


  1. - coaja de lamaie
  2. - esenta de lamaie 1/2 fiola
  3. - zeama de la o lamaie mica
  4. - 80 ml ulei
  5.  240 g faina
  6. - 120 ml lapte vegetal
  7. - 2 lingurite praf de copt
  8. - 140 g zahar sau 4 linguri de miere


Se amesteca laptele, zaharul, uleiul, coaja de lamaie, esenta de lamaie si se adauga apoi faina cernuta si amestecata cu praful de copt si se omogenizeaza bine.
Aluatul se pune in forma de briose si se baga la cuptor la 180°C 20-25 de minute.
Pofta buna!


  1. Excellent tips !! i like very much... i want to taste all the recipes.. how can i get to cook with in my home..?If you are search for good castor oil, then you need to use cold pressed castor oil. In other words, this is called as marachekku. If you want to see marachekku oil manufaturer, please go to mara chekku manufacturers in tamilnadu

  2. Awsome!!! Your article is nicv and very useful. coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a "superfood." Its unique combination of fatty acids can have positive effects on your health.

  3. “When oil is refined, it loses a lot of nutrients but cold pressing it in a marachekku oil ensures that you retain all of it,” says the 35-year-old who works in a software firm.

  4. All of the fats and cold press coconut oil that we eat are composed of molecules called fatty acids. Biochemically, fatty acids are composed of a chain of carbon atoms connected to one another by chemical bonds.

  5. Healthy product. We grain oil using ghani(Traditional method) which was so called as".cold pressed oil online" at minimum temperature so the nature of oil is retained.Naturally extracted juice of cane heated at high temperatures and solidfies to form and crushed into powder form or made into round form asjaggery powder.

  6. nattu sakkaraiNattu Sakkarai is organic and it is naturally produced by boiling sugar cane juice in a particular consistency.copper jug more and more people are becoming health conscious, they are shifting to healthier living habits including healthier cooking and eating habits too.

  7. "marachekku oil increases HDL Cholesterol level and reduces LDL (Bad) Cholesterol levels as it contains Phytosterols that helps in blocking Bad Cholesterol production.Expeller pressing (also called marachekku ennai) is a mechanical method for extracting oil from raw materials.This chekku ennai , pressed in room temperature will not be heated during the extraction process and thus retains the nutrition benefits & original taste / flavour.

  8. The vegetable oil that is naturally trans fat-free, cholesterol free, and low in saturated fats.groundnut oil is high in unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturatedfat, like the one found in Groundnut Oil.There is a wide variety of best cooking oil from plant sources such as Gingelly oil, Groundnut oil, Coconut oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil, peanut oil and other vegetable oils.It has a creamy thick consistency and has a strong, rich buttery flavor. It is ideal for frying or cooking food at high temperatures. desi ghee is a better option than commercially processed butter as it has a lower fat content.GoodGingelly has a strong smell when it is opened. The color should be bright brown or gold.

  9. coconut oil for cooking is most commonly used in Asian cultures, including that of China and Southeast Asian nations like Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

    The lauric acid in coconut oil for hair is able to penetrate the hair shaft, nourishing the hair with vitamins, minerals and the medium-chain fatty acids.

    cooking cocunut oil is considered to be one of the most versatile natural oils today.
